Just when we thought we saw an end in sight, the flu is making a comeback. 

Influenza B is still making the rounds. Instead of being outside enjoying our great weather, kids are tucked in bed, feeling lethargic and miserable.  Doctors tell us that many patients are nervous seeing the flu so late in the season. 

Dr. Lou Romig in Hillsborough County says 60 percent of their flu patients are diagnosed with Influenza B.

As we’ve heard before, some patients who feel like they have flu don’t test positive.

“What we do is if we really think it’s the flu, if it’s walking like a duck, quacking like a duck and I tell the parents this as well, we are going to assume it’s probably a duck,” says Dr. Romig.

The CDC is warning that Influenza B can be just as bad as Influenza A. It can be especially harmful to younger children. Even if you or your child had flu A, doctors say you can still come down with flu B, so if you haven’t had your flu shot, it’s still not too late to get it.