Big Ten reverses course, announces plan to play football

ROSEMONT, Ill. — The Big Ten reversed course on Wednesday and announced plans to play football beginning the weekend of October 24.

The plan includes an 8-game season for each team.

The Big Ten will also require “student-athletes, coaches, trainers and other individuals that are on the field for all practices and games” to undergo daily testing.

Each institution will designate a Chief Infection Officer who will oversee the collection and reporting of data.

Daily testing will begin by September 30, according to conference officials.

“Everyone associated with the Big Ten should be very proud of the groundbreaking steps that are now being taken to better protect the health and safety of the student-athletes and surrounding communities,” said Dr. Jim Borchers, Head Team Physician, The Ohio State University and co-chair of the Return to Competition Task Force medical subcommittee. 

On August 11, the Big Ten presidents and chancellors postponed all fall sports, including football, by an 11-3 margin.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.