Weekdays at 10:30 a.m. CST/11:30 a.m. EST, Newsfeed Now will be streaming the top stories in the U.S. utilizing our newsrooms across the country. If you miss the live report, you’ll be able to see a replay minutes after the stream ends.

(NEXSTAR)-It was supposed to be a nationally-televised, star-studded event commemorating a horrific tragedy in the Greenwood District of Tulsa. One hundred years after white mobs razed “Black Wall Street,” the highly-publicized Remember and Rise ceremony has been canceled.
See the full story in Oklahoma’s News 4

An Oklahoma City Police Department officer has been fired after several allegations of misconduct, one including not collecting a severed ear at a crime scene.
See the full story in Oklahoma’s News 4

An armed Utah teacher was able to stop the attempted kidnapping of the student.
See the full story on ABC4 Utah

Negotiations between Senate Republicans and President Biden on an infrastructure bill have moved into a new phase after senators unveiled their $928 billion counteroffer.
See the video in the video player above

The governor of Alabama kicked off a new initiative to help prevent suicide among veterans.

As we approach Memorial Day Monday, celebrations have already begun in West Virginia with a mission called Carry The Load, to restore the true meaning of the holiday and honor our nation’s heroes.
See the full story on WOWK 13 News

A paralyzed vet in New Orleans gets an exoskeleton from a VA hospital and learns how to walk again. Go into a holiday weekend with a heroic tale