White elephant gift exchange ideas

A white elephant gift exchange is a holiday tradition where a group of friends, family members or coworkers exchange useless and wacky gifts during a holiday party.

You can either play by Secret Santa rules or each person draws a number to determine who goes first. The person who draws number one chooses a gift and opens it for everyone to see. Each person after that can either steal an already opened gift from someone before them or he/she can choose an unopened gift.

If a gift is stolen from someone, that person gets to pick another unopened gift. This process continues until the last person has gone. A gift can only be stolen three times so the fourth person to steal it gets to keep it.

Generally this type of holiday exchange is for entertainment so you do not have to spend a lot of money on the gift and the funnier or weirder, the better! Here are 30 ideas for your white elephant gift exchange this year:

1. Star Wars Ice Cube Trays

2. Cat Bingo

3. Beer Belly Fanny Pack

4. Human Face Anti-Stress Balls

5. Drinking Buddies Cocktail/Wine Glass Markers

6. Crazy Patterned Socks

7. Selfie Toaster

8. Bubble Gum Refrigerator Magnets

9. Foot Hammock

10. The VERY Embarrassing Book of Dad Jokes

11. Ugly Christmas Sweater

12. Toilet Golf

13. Bacon Flavored Toothpaste

14. People of Walmart Calendar

15. Dog Butt Magnets

16. Horse Head

17. Googly Eyes Stickers

18. Microwavable S’mores Maker

19. Unicorn Onesie

20. Finger Hands Finger Puppets

21. Pickle Lip Balm

22. Adjustable Visor with Spiked Hair

23. Smuggle Your Booze Sun Sunscreen Lotion Flask

24. Bubble Wrap Rain Jacket

25. Prank Pack iArm

26. Poo-Pourri Toilet Spray

27. Moose Oven Mit

28. NapSack Sleep Hood

29. Meat Maniac Insect & Bug Candy

30. Holiday Toilet Paper