WASHINGTON D.C. (WCMH) — The debate and confusion over another round of COVID-19 relief money continues. On Tuesday night, President Trump said any deal was off but then backtracked just a few hours later.

The president’s doctors released an update on his health saying he “feels great” and has been symptom free for more than 24 hours.

“We’re pleased with his progress,” said White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. “We’ve got a number of safety protocols with full PPE masks, goggles and the like for any direct interaction with the president.”

But the focus on the president’s health took a backseat when he announced Tuesday night a full stop on COVID-19 relief negotiations until after the election. He then backtracked several hours later after the stock market took a dive.

“Obviously we’re looking at the potential for standalone bills,” Meadows said.

The president tweeted that those standalone bills could include direct stimulus checks to taxpayers and money for the nation’s airlines. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said a deal will happen.

“we will have a stimulus bill, and he wont win the election,” Pelosi said.

In the meantime, President Trump says he intends to go ahead with the next presidential debate, but Joe Biden says that should be up to the doctors.

“If he still has COVID, we shouldn’t have a debate,” the former vice president said.

The debate is scheduled for Thursday, October 15.