Lawmakers push to pass COVID-19 relief bill before the end of the year

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — The clock is ticking for Congress to pass another COVID-19 relief bill.

“This is not and should not be a partisan issue,” Rep. Dwight Evans (D-Pa.) said.

Lawmakers from both parties say it would be a tremendous failure if Congress cannot pass the next COIVD-19 relief bill by Christmas.

“Another COVID-19 relief package is absolutely critical,” Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.) said.

“We must fix this problem and we must put a relief package together now,” Evans said.

Evans says the next COVID-19 relief bill should focus on stimulus, as well as aid for small businesses, schools and first responders. But Wittman and Pennsylvania Congressman Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) want a more targeted and narrow bill than Democrats have proposed.

“Making sure we’re doing what’s necessary, not trying to load this bill up with a bunch of unrelated and unnecessary spending,” Wittman said.

“Mr. Biden should talk to Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer and say ‘Let’s keep it pure, let’s keep it concentrated on COVID,’” Kelly said.

Republicans and Democrats also agree that it’s up to congressional leadership to find a compromise.

“It’s important that the leadership in the House and the Senate come together and solve this problem,” Evans said.

“Get that bill through the House, get it over to the Senate, and get this done,” Wittman said.

When lawmakers return next week, they will have just has 10 working days before the end of the session.