WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — The 2020 Democratic National Convention has wrapped up and we’re now just days away from the start of the Republican National Convention.

“We think it’s going to be really engaging and entertaining,” Republican National Committee Spokesperson Liz Harrington said Friday.

While much of next week’s convention is still under wraps, Harrington said it will be uplifting.

“We’re going to have surprises between 10 and 11 every night,” Harrington added.

Harrington did tell us President Donald Trump will be nominated in a live roll call in Charlotte, North Carolina. According to Harrington, 336 people will be there.

“They do have the health protocols in place, everyone has been tested before they got on a plane and went to Charlotte,” she added.

Harrington said Americans can expect President Trump to be involved every night leading up to his speech at the White House.

“I predict it’s going to be one of the greatest speeches he’s ever given,” she said.

Harrington said it will be similar to his State of the Union speech and his Mount Rushmore address on the Fourth of July.

“I do think there will be fireworks, figuratively and literally,” she said.

The RNC follows this week’s Democratic National Convention. One Democratic lawmaker we spoke to said it’s a tough act to follow.

“This was the best convention of all time,” Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC) said Friday.

Butterfield said the Republicans have their work cut out for them.

“I’m confident that the Democratic message will be far superior from the Republican message that we will hear next week,” Butterfield added.

Kellyanne Conway, a counselor to the president, called the Democrats convention “a missed opportunity.”

“The two most popular words at the convention were not Joe Biden, they were Donald Trump,” Conway said.

The Republican convention gavels in Monday in Charlotte.