(WFLA) – The video posted on Facebook looks normal enough. Alerted by a laptop carried by 13-year-old Aaron Williamson, TSA screeners at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport directed the teen for a pat down.

His mother objected and requested an alternative search, because of his sensory processing disorder.

“My son felt extremely violated. He left the area and was upset for quite some time,” said Jennifer Williamson.

Williamson later commented on Facebook that they were treated like dogs, and eventually missed their flight.

Bonnie Monroe’s 17-year-old son, Mark, has sensory processing disorder.

As a young boy, he couldn’t tell hot from cold, so she had to be careful when he took a shower.

“This is heartbreaking, has never been kissed by me. Never been hugged by me. We do a little thing called a hand, we hold each other’s hands,” said Monroe.

She feels the TSA went overboard in Dallas, potentially causing more trouble for Aaron.

If they ever faced the same circumstance, they have a plan.

“My son actually carries a card with him that states that he doesn’t like to be touched, doesn’t like anybody putting their hands on him,” she said.

The TSA issued a statement saying in part, all approved procedures were followed, but families dealing with SPD, question if those procedures need to be modified.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON-