DALLAS (NEXSTAR) — This time of year, retailers toss out all sorts of strange holiday foods hoping consumers take the bait — which we normally do.

However, some things are just too strange to buy. Like, way strange.

Here are of few of the downright weird Christmas-themed treats we’ve seen available for purchase:

Mint Vanilla Milk

Can you imagine pouring this into your next bowl of Fruit Loops? Certainly, it’s not designed for that, but geez — we can picture some nasty combinations.

Now dipping an Oreo cookie into this? We’d be down…

This was found at a Target store.

Kale Flavored Candy Canes

Not a joke. These guys are available to buy online for a listed price of $10. When we checked, they were on sale for just $3.60 — which doesn’t really surprise us.

The product description reads, “No more pesky holiday flavors to worry about, just the bitter grassiness of your favorite vegetable. Talk about a superfood.”

You can find these available on Oldies.com.

Mac & Cheese Flavored Candy Canes

What’s worse than a Kale candy cane? Quite frankly, this is.

The product description reads, “No matter where you are, if you sidle up to a bowl of mac and cheese, all will be right with the world. But, have you ever considered taking this cheesy carb affection into the world of candy?”

Clearly, the answer is no.

If you’re in the wrong and want to try them, they’re available at CandyFavorites.com for roughly $10.

(from CandyFavorites.com)

Candy Cane and Christmas Mint Sodas

If you’ve ever been to a Rocket Fizz store, you’ve seen some pretty strange offerings. Their holiday beverages are no exception.

The candy and drink novelty store offers “Candy Cane Train” holiday soda and Christmas mint soda.

My goodness: Which one would you try first?

(from RocketFizz.com)

White Chocolate Peppermint Flavored Pringles Potato Chips

While these are still listed on Amazon, we’re pretty sure they’re no longer made or available — and thank goodness for that.

While we all love to pop the top on Pringles, this chip has been described as “a Pringle with a thin layer of toothpaste on it.” 

Doesn’t that sound delightful?

Here’s the listing on Amazon if you’re hoping it’s once again made available.

Sour Brite Reindeer Poop

While we’re sure they taste delightful, who wants their 9-year-old daughter asking dad if she can get a bag of reindeer droppings from the grocery store?

The fine folks at Trolli are apparently offering this seasonal delight at Walgreens and other stores.

The pieces of sour poop take the shape of the popular emoji of the same likeness.