Man believes he caught angel on camera

Was an angel caught on camera? 

A reported supernatural sighting outside of a Michigan home has triggered a debate on social media. 

Video taken by a motion sensor camera appears to show an angel-like figure floating in the air.

“I said, ‘That’s an angel!’ And I was just blown away, I couldn’t wait to send it to my wife and send it to Deneille. And I said, ‘I got an angel, and my camera took a picture of an angel,'” Glen Thorman told WNDU.

Some are saying the video shows an angel while others think it might just be a moth.  

“It was really clear to me the minute I looked at the photo,” said Pastor Deneille Moes. “I just kind of freaked out a bit. I went like, ‘Whoa! That’s an angel!’ And I texted him back, ‘That’s an angel.’ There wasn’t any doubt in my mind that we were looking at something supernatural.”

“It is definitely moth-shaped in the first photo,” photography studio owner Joe Clark said. “You can kind of clearly see what looks, or could be interpreted as, wings and a head. But at the same time, since it’s not clearly in focus and since it is what it is, there may be room for interpretation.”