GLENDALE, Wis (WFLA/NBC) – A Wisconsin family had an unwelcome guest appear just in time for dinner!

Karlie Allen and her family were unloading groceries and cooking when her brother saw something move in the salad mix he noticed what appeared to be a frog in the container they had just picked up from the grocery store.

“I’m thinking one, how the heck did that get in there, and two, that is absolutely disgusting,” Allen said.

The family returned the lettuce and let the frog go. Simple Truth apologized to Allen in a direct message on Twitter.

“We are so sorry that the Simple Truth product had a live frog inside of the carton,” the brand said.

Pick ‘n Save’s parent company, Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc., told CNN’s affiliate these situations happen occasionally when organic products are involved.

“USDA Certified Organic items must be free of synthetic additives and certain pesticides,” the company said in a statement. “Although rare, from time-to-time we do see insects and other small animals such as frogs make it through packaging with fresh produce items.”

While this may not be a new occurrence for food and grocery companies, Allen says she doesn’t plan to eat salad any time soon.