A post on Facebook that was shared more than a thousand times lead us to a Washington County, Tennessee barn on Friday afternoon. 

That is where Shannon Chase introduced us to a two-headed bull calf named Chance.

The calf was only 24 hours old when we met him Friday afternoon. 

“I’ve only seen one in magazines or the internet, but I am just amazed by it, I just hope he lives, and he gets a real chance,” Chase said.

News Channel 11 also reached out to UT Farm Animal Field Service Clinician, Dr. Andrea Lear, to find out how common a two-headed calf is.

“I wouldn’t consider them rare, but I wouldn’t consider them that common either. I’ve been in practice for eight years, and I have delivered just one, but I have seen one,” Dr. Lear said. 

Dr. Lear added that if a calf, like Chance, survives birth, “if they are not born dead already, generally they don’t live more than 48 hours because it’s not uncommon that they have multiple defects, meaning there are other abnormalities that are not right in the development of that calf.” 

Chase said he would be taking Chance home with him Friday night to keep a close eye on his progress.

“We are keeping him comfortable. He’s being looked after every day…only God knows. It’s one of those deals, hopefully he will make it a week or two, hopefully he will make it longer,” Chase said.