Every Thursday, Traffic Reporter Meredyth Censullo responds to your “road rants” about the things that drive you nuts during your commute. Today, she’s answering this question from Facebook:

Bruce B. Downs Boulevard has had constant work for years! Can you get a timeline of when this will wrap up? It’s a mess at Pebble Creek, in front of Wharton High School. Is there an end in sight?

The widening of Bruce B. Downs, from Bearss Avenue to the Pasco County line, has been underway since 2010. The entire project was segmented into four parts, labeled A, B, C, and D. The construction of the final 1.4-mile segment, or, part D, from Pebble Creek to the Meadow Pointe area, began in October, 2016. In this area, the road is being widened from four to eight lanes. 

The $25 million project was initially projected to be completed in July, 2018, however Hillsborough County Public Works later amended the completion date, and now says the work will be done by the end of December, 2018. 

While the widening of Bruce B. Downs is nearing the finish line, Hillsborough County does have future plans along the roadway including:

  • Bicycle and pedestrian safety enhancements from Fletcher Avenue to Bearss Avenue
  • Bruce B. Downs and Bearss Avenue intersection improvements
  • Bruce B. Downs and Richard Silver Way (VA Hospital) intersection improvements
  • Bruce B. Downs and Campus Hill Drive intersection improvements

Send your road rants to Meredyth at mcensullo@wfla.com or on Facebook. For traffic updates on Twitter, follow @WFLATraffic.