As Glenn Pinciotti knelt down at his father’s grave marker, he paused and thought about why he was there. 

He recently laid his father, Frank, to rest in the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, where thousands gathered for a Memorial Day remembrance. 

“They sacrificed their lives. My father lived to 92 and he lived a full life,” said Pinciotti. “But some of these men did not and it just fills my heart with sorrow and joy.”

The ceremony is one of the largest in the Tampa Bay area and draws veterans and their loved ones from miles away. 

News Channel 8 Chief Meteorologist Steve Jerve was master of ceremonies and encouraged those attending to take a moment and walk among the headstones. 

“As you go about your day today, we hope you take some time to stroll among the stones and look at these flags that have been placed out here… as a reminder of everything that we enjoy in our lives. Our freedom has a price,” said Jerve. “And it lies here.”

Michael Teng brings his young daughter Bella to the cemetery every year. 

He hopes she understands why these men and women died and why it’s so important that they are honored. 

“I just want to let her know that people fought and died for our country and to always make sure that we have our American ideals in the right place,” said Teng. “Because this is very important for our country.”

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