This 6-year-old wants to know why there are no female toy soldiers

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (WFLA/CNN) A 6-year-old girl in Arkansas took matters into her own hands when she discovered there were no female toy soldiers to play with.

Vivian Lord of Little Rock began drafting letters to toy companies across the country, asking that they start making female toy soldiers.

When her mom started looking around she says she only found pink male soldiers.

Vivian wrote to the companies saying “Please can you make army girls that look like women. I would play with them every day and my [friends] would to!”

Vivian and her mom have contacted three toy companies, and one has responded.

Jeff Imel of BMC Toys told Lord that he would love to make it happen if he can gather enough support.

Vivian’s mom says no matter what happens she’s just happy her daughter is speaking up!

Way to go Vivian!