Teen struck by lightning in her TX home

A teenage girl in Texas was hit by lightning inside her house. Her family started a GoFundMe page to help cover the cost of recovery.

Misty Williamson Villarreal created the page after her daughter Macie was struck by lightning standing in the kitchen holding the refrigerator door. 

It happened on the Memorial Day weekend. Misty wrote that Macie opened the fridge to grab some applesauce when the lightning struck the house.

“I heard an explosion, Macie began screaming the loudest, most gut wrenching scream I’ve ever heard,” Villarreal wrote.

Misty’s husband Anthony pulled the girl off the fridge. She was shaking vigorously and couldn’t feel her legs. The teen was taken to a hospital. Doctors told the family, Macie got a secondary electrocution and temporary paralysis. She can walk now but is still shaken by what happened.

The family started the GoFundMe page soon after the event. In just five days they raised the necessary funds.

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