Tampa wins YMCA Treadmill Tuesday competition

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) – For the second year in a row, a Tampa Bay area YMCA was pitted against gym-goers at a Jacksonville YMCA to see who could log more miles on a treadmill in one day.

It’s called the Treadmill Tuesday Challenge and participants had to crawl, walk or run for 30 minutes on the treadmill for their time to count.

“We got it. We got it. Tampa Bay is the best association out there and the people will come out and support us. I know that they will,” said YMCA member Amimarie Granger-Welch.

“We are going to beat Jacksonville this year. Because we rock!”

“Exercise doesn’t always have to be about getting on the ‘dreadmill,’ it can be having fun on the treadmill together,” said Tampa YMCA fitness instructor Dawn Kita while she was in the middle of motivating those around her to log as many miles as they could.

Last year, Tampa YMCA’s logged more than 3600 miles and lost the competition by less than 200 miles. This year Tampa “Y’s” are determined to never let that happen again.

“Man this is going to do a lot for us because last year we were real close to beating them and today we are going to try to get past them. We are going to try to get as many people as we can on this treadmill and our mileage is going to count for everything,” said Tampa YMCA trainer Tyreek Noble.

Win or lose, you have to appreciate the way the people of Tampa came together for a worthy cause.

“I hope we win by two miles and it’s any two miles that we win by,” Granger-Welch said with a chuckle as she went to put in more cardio for the day.

And their hard work paid off. Tampa Bay ended up surpassing Jacksonville by just 21 miles with 3,358 miles logged by 1,630 participants.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON-