TAMPA, FL (WFLA) – He’s only five years old and for the first time today little Bryce Harper got to experience what it’s like to stand up and walk on his own two feet.

“It’s amazing to see him stand up… The doctors that worked on him said it would be really hard to get him to stand up. He’s standing up. Nothing is going to stop him now,” said Bryce’s father Jesse Santoro.

Bryce was born with club feet and spina bifida, and as a result he couldn’t stand up or walk. But thanks to Shriners of Tampa, Bryce was fitted with special braces that will help him walk.

“I’m just excited for him. I have been waiting for this for so long. I’m just super excited,” said Bryce’s mom Daniele Santoro.

Bryce got to test out his new set of braces in front of both of his parents, his little brother, aunts and grandparents at Shriners Hospitals for Children in Tampa. Once his feet hit the ground, Bryce showed no fear in learning to walk.

“I prayed a long time. Since he was born that if there were a God or something like that he would take my good legs or something good from me to give to him so he could stand up and enjoy the simple things. The Shriners made it possible without any of that because he’s standing up,” Jesse said while hugging his son.

If you know a child that can benefit from help of the Shriners you can give them a call at: 813-866-7740 or visit http://www.shrinershq.org/hospitals/tampa/ for information about Shriners Hospitals for Children.MORE FROM WFLA.COM: