TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — The stress of pregnancy on a woman’s body can sometimes be debilitating for some women, but they’re finding relief through chiropractic care.
“I tried stretches, I tried everything and I was paralyzed from the sciatic nerve pain.” said Mary Nastukov, who’s in her third trimester of her second pregnancy.
She said the pain was so overwhelming she had to lean on her husband for help just to walk.
“When they ask you, ‘What’s your pain on a scale of 1 to 10?’ Mine was like 11 or 12. I couldn’t without help. And I have a one year old!” said Nastukov.
A friend suggested chiropractic care and Nastukov turned to it as a last resort. In not time, she was back to her old self.
“Within a week, I was feeling better,” she said.
There are family practice chiropractic center’s like OptiLife in Tampa that specialize in treating expectant moms.
“There are so many changes in pregnancy, so we start sometimes from the first trimester all the way through and we’re adapting with them as they go along,” said Dr. Erica Lopez of OptiLife Chiropractic.
Lopez uses a special stabilizer to help women lay comfortably on a table and adjustments are very light handed.
Many moms find such relief with this approach to chiropractic care. They come back postpartum and have their infants adjusted.
“When Micah was born, he couldn’t turn his head to the right, and I brought him into Dr. Daniel in one session he was able to move again,” said mom Morgan Tapp.
Tapp experienced a lot of pain during pregnancy and found relief through chiropractic care. Now, she brings all four of her children in for wellness checks.
“The spine doubles in size within the first two years. Kids are constantly tumbling, roll over they’re sleeping in the same position every night,” explained Dr. Danielle Hoeffner, of OptiLife Chiropractic.
Dr. Hoeffner specializes in caring for infants and children and says just like with pregnant women, treating children is not at all aggressive.
“Adjusting a child is like checking the ripeness of a tomato, so it’s really key for parents and to get the right information,” said Dr. Hoeffner.
Hoeffner says there are chiropractic centers that specialize in certain treatments, for example sports injuries, but not all treatments are the same. She urges families to do their research before seeking care.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON RIGHT NOW
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