PALM HARBOR, Fla. (WFLA) – Jessica Matkin still squirms when she thinks of the moment a snake slithered from under the hood of her truck while driving to work. “For a minute I didn’t know what it was and I kind of looked and sure enough it was a snake. I kind of freaked out for

“For a minute I didn’t know what it was and I kind of looked and sure enough it was a snake. I kind of freaked out for minute I didn’t know what to do. I shut all the vents to the car and all of the sudden; I was like oh no he’s going to get in my car,” said Matkin.

Matkin took a photo of the 4 foot snake that she found on her truck back in October. The snake wasn’t big but Jessica has a big fear of snakes. So she called her husband and asked for help. “He’s like honk at the guy in front of you, see if he will come and get it off,” said Matkin.

Eventually, after about 40 minutes in traffic, Jessica was able to get rid of it. “He would go away and then come back, go away and then come back. Then all of the sudden he got up on the windshield, I was looking for the windshield wipers and couldn’t find them. All of the sudden I got it on and in three swipes, he finally flew off,” said Matkin who thinks the snake came from her lawn which is on a lake.

She doesn’t know what kind of snake it was but said it was enough to make her heart race. “This is a close up experience that I don’t want again for sure. He would always come up and look in the car like he wanted in, and I’m like get away, just get off,” added Matkin.