A writer has found herself at the center of a heated internet debate. Meghann Foye argues all women – not just moms – should receive a paid maternity leave-style break from work.
People on both sides of that debate are weighing in. Foye has a new book out titled, “Meternity.”
“The book, inspired by her own envy of working moms who took time off to tend to their newborns, tells the story of a character who fakes her own pregnancy just for some important me-time,” TODAY.com reports.
The author stressed to TODAY during an interview Friday morning that she’s not comparing maternity and meternity leave.
“I actually think they’re very different,” Foye explained. “I think that a maternity leave is a time when you’re fully focused on a new human being. I think a meternity leave is when it’s really just for you. It’s a time to take a step back.”
That explanation hasn’t satisfied everyone, however.
In an article for Glamour, Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy challenges the idea that a maternity leave is like a break. She writes that she “struggled to process (the) emotional toll that came from the difficulty I had in becoming pregnant, the difficult pregnancy I had, and the difficult delivery I had. Those weeks involved recovery, both mental and physical-you have no idea how much having a baby can mess up your body. I also rarely slept for more than three hours straight.”
Gerson Uffalussy questions why Foye doesn’t ask companies to provide sabbatical time or more vacation time. “Looking at maternity leave as an unfair bonus for women who go through the process of having and raising a child is the attitude that makes it so hard to guarantee paid leave for parents in the U.S.,” she writes.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON RIGHT NOW:
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