Some Sarasota County schools are going to look a lot different this year. Crews are making security upgrades in response to the Parkland massacre.   

A few months ago, school officials earmarked $25 million dollars over the next five years for this project. 

But after the Parkland shooting in February, they instead chose to spend the money now and do all this work in a matter of months.

When Sarasota Middle School was built in the 80s, anyone could get onto campus, even on the weekends. Not so now.

“When they come in the main office, they’re going to come in the doors here, they’ll be confined to a secure area,” said Jody Dumas with the Sarasota County School District.

Dumas is not only a parent, he’s in charge of the massive construction project. Anyone who visits the campus will now come to the main entrance surrounded by bullet-proof glass. The glass can withstand the blast from a rifle.

“So almost like at a bank where you got a tray that you would actually slide things through and back and forth, and the communication will come through the glass,” explained Dumas. 

Staffers can immediately place the school on lockdown if needed.

“[The glass gives] the staff behind the desk time to be able to crouch down behind the desk and be able to punch the panic button,” said Dumas.

Construction is underway county-wide. Security fences are being built and surveillance camera systems are being upgraded.

Also, squad cars for the new school police force are nearly ready.

“Its certainly going to change the way in which we operate, but I’m not worried. We’re educators, we’re going to learn how to do this,” said Janel Dorn, principal of Sarasota Middle School.

Dorn admits this is a big change of pace.

“I don’t want to talk to parents behind glass and if I have a little one who’s upset, or has been hurt I don’t want to have barriers between us,” she said. “We are putting boundaries that keep questionable out, but easily and quickly allow us to embrace our community and our families.”

She adds this is all for good reason.

“As an educator, I have to believe that what we are doing every day is to work for and toward a better future. These little ones are the leaders of tomorrow,” said Dorn.

These security upgrades will all be completed roughly when school starts on August 13.

“I think the community and the parents will be very happy to know that we’ve taken this with such a priority, and as quickly as we have,” said Dumas.