After word came out that four Sarasota children caught the measles, health officials are putting out a stern warning. They’re urging people to get their kids vaccinated, because these outbreaks could get worse.
Health officials say as more and more people choose not to vaccinate, it’s only a matter of time before we face a national health crisis.
On Tuesday, health officials announced four Sarasota children caught the measles.
Officials say the kids are homeschooled and efforts are being made to reach everyone who was exposed. Experts point out these children were not vaccinated.
“These are infections that could easily be treated and vaccinated,” said Dr. Prerak Shukle with CAN Community Health.
More and more people are choosing not to vaccinate their kids. Some do it for religious reasons, while others are worried about potential side effects.
The CDC says these vaccines prevent 14 diseases including the measles, mumps and polio.
“These are old world diseases and there’s no need, no place for them in today’s society,” said Dr. Shukle.
Yelitza Lemoine took no chances with her children.
“I believe that vaccines are extremely important to build a wall of protections into your child’s body,” said Lemoine.
This latest outbreak has her worried.
“There is no reason why you shouldn’t vaccinate your kids,” said Lemoine.
Health departments provide a variety of resources and in many cases, immunizations can be provided for free.
Officials admit parents have a right to refuse vaccines, but they’re being urged to think carefully about the consequences.
“It’s only a matter of time before certain kids start getting infected with something such as measles,” said Dr. Shukle.
If you have any questions, the health department will be happy to help.