SAFETY HARBOR, FL (WFLA) – A brave teenager who saved his grandfather from their burning Safety Harbor home is being hailed a hero this Independence Day. Countryside High School student, Gino Marino, 17, got to ride in The American Legion Auxiliary Fourth of July Parade Saturday.
“I’ve been coming to this parade for six years,” Marino said. “I’ve watched so many parades and I never thought I would be in one so I’m really happy. It’s really cool.”
Just more than a week ago the fire broke on 3rd Street North. Even before the first crews arrived, Marino rushed inside the house and pulled his grandfather, Steve Kautz, to safety.
He found Kautz on a bedroom floor, gasping for air. Marino dragged him outside to safety before the flames consumed the home.
“I’ve always been a caring person,” Marino said. “If anyone’s house caught on fire I would run in and just try to help. That’s what it’s all about, making people happy.”
Marino tells News Channel 8 that his grandfather is doing well and everything is slowly getting back to normal. The family is staying at a neighbors’ home. Deidre Drane, the president of the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 238, touted the Safety Harbor Resident.
“He risked his life to save his grandfather,” Drane said. “We honor our children and youth and he is a strong member of the community.”
Drane also mentioned her organization submitted the teen for a scholarship award.
“Ever since my house caught fire I understand more about life in general,” Marino said. “I’m thankful for having family and this Fourth of July I’m happy to be an American.”