MASON CITY, Iowa – It’s a pretty incredible story that happened in Mason City last week. A rescue dog returns the favor and saves her owner after taking a terrible fall. Late last week, Dee Greenan took her newly adopted Pomeranian, Peaches, outside as she always has, only this time Peaches got away. Greenan panicked, losing her balance and falling off her front porch into bushes and hitting her head on rocks.
“Here I was in the bushes and needing help. I could not get up because I have a crippling disease,” says Greenan.
Related: Heroic dog recovering after trying to save owner’s life
“My wife and I were on the south side of our shed and we had been out there so we couldn’t hear any phones or anything and all of a sudden, here comes this little Pomeranian dog,” says neighbor, Don Gettner. Gettner’s wife recognized the dog as their neighbor’s. When he took the pup home, he discovered something he truly wasn’t expecting. “Here we found Dee laying on the rocks underneath the bushes,” says Gettner.
Two ladies walking on a trail across the street also came to help and soon the EMTs arrived and Greenan was taken to the hospital. She suffered a minor concussion and bruising, but otherwise she says she was very lucky. As for Peaches, both Greenan and Gettner believe she is the hero in this story and for that, Greenan is very thankful. “Thank God for my sister, my husband, and the people that were around me to have saved me, and especially my dog.”