A fight between classmates at a school bus stop landed one teen in the hospital and the other behind bars.
A 16-year-old girl is in stable condition after a bus stop brawl.
Police said she was stabbed in the back by a 15-year-old female.
“It was just you know, cops on every end. So I knew something had to be going on,” said neighbor Chella White.
White said she saw the commotion unfold on Paris Avenue and 6th Street S. Thursday morning, just after 7 a.m.
“I just think it’s sad that children have to deal with that going to school. You know, either being bullied, stabbed, shot,” said White.
White said she heard the 15-year-old confronted the victim about a previous incident.
“They say the little girl had got jumped I guess the day before or whatever, they jumped on her, so she come back to retaliate.”
Police said both girls attend Gibbs High School. Detectives said they have an ongoing dispute.
“After the teen was stabbed, the suspect then ran onto the bus,” said Sandra Bentil.
The teen was taken into custody when authorities arrived.
“We have a 15-year-old student who is facing three felony charges,” said Bentil.
The teen is charged with possession of a weapon on school property, aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and aggravated assault for threatening the victim’s mother with a pair of scissors.