ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (WFLA) – Students across the country are worried about their safety following the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School nearly three weeks ago.
“Like in Parkland, somebody just came out of nowhere to shoot and kill people. The extreme measures, it should have been taken like before things like this could have happened,” said Gibbs High School senior Anthony Harrell.
Harrell is one of three seniors, along with Caitlin Ferkile and Jameria Green, who got to share their thoughts on school safety with Congressman Charlie Crist.
They took Crist on a tour around their school.
“This is a very safe school,” said Crist.
“I think he took it very much to heart,” said Ferkile.
Their concerns are arming teachers with guns.
“You really never know what they could be thinking or how they feel that day,” said Green.
They’re also worried about the daunting possibility of security on campus with rifles.
“Definitely, it’d be a little unnerving to see that coming into the car circle,” said Ferkile.
The Florida Senate recently rejected a ban on assault weapons. Crist said he wasn’t happy.
“We had an assault weapon ban from 1994 to 2004 in this country and the incidents of mass killings went down. We should learn from that,” he said.
Students at Gibbs High School are planning a walkout to stand in solidarity with the students in Parkland on March 14.