Riverview mom turns son in for crime, would other parents do the same?

What what do you do if you saw your son or daughter caught on camera committing a crime? Would you turn them in immediately? 

Or would you keep their secret? 

Parents say they call it “tough love” for a reason. 

Many moms and dad say the decision for them would be a difficult one, watching their child go to jail.  

But for others, it’s a no-brainer. 

They would call the police in a heartbeat just like Sandra Green did. 

The Riverview mom admits she felt sick, sad and angry beyond belief when she saw her own son on home security footage breaking into a Clearwater home. He was with his buddies as they committed the crime. 

Then, one moment took her breath away. 

Her son, 18-year-old Kevin King, stared right into the lens.

This was no case of mistaken identity. This was her child. She knew what she had to do. 

“He has no business to go in someone’s house and take anything,” she told us. 

This mom wanted to teach her teen lesson. In doing so, she says, teaching him to do the right thing would require her to also do the same, by calling the police. 

She didn’t hesitate.

“Very difficult, heartbreaking, he’s my only son, my baby,” Green said.

In the end, she said she did the right thing and she would do it again. 

The teenager was busted, booked and is now behind bars.

Green agreed with the judge to leave him in there a little bit longer so that this life lesson will linger.

“I hope he learns never to do this again in life. If he does, I’m going to be the person to bring him down here,” Green said.

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