SAFETY HARBOR, Fla. (WFLA) – There’s growing concern over measles outbreaks in the United States. Last week, New York City declared a public state of emergecy with hundreds of new cases.
The disease has now been reported in 19 states, including Florida.
Many parents are worried since the number of children unvaccinated continues to rise.
There are two very different schools of thought on the issue.
Some parents say they absolutely, without question, vaccinate their children. Others, however, prefer a more holistic approach and say vaccinations cause more harm than good.
England Miano is a mother of three whose family enjoys an organic approach to living. As a holistic practitioner and nutritionist, she tells us it has done wonders for her children.
“You’re here on this earth to protect your child first and foremost, always that’s the number one responsibility as a parent,” she explained.
This Safety Harbor mom says she was hesitant to have her son vaccinated when he was a baby, and when he did receive the shot, he had a severe and immediate reaction, one that she says led to an autism diagnosis later in life.
“I went completely against my gut and let myself get bullied into a situation I knew was wrong for him,” she admitted.
England is one of many moms in a growing community of holistic healthcare with a key focus on immunity through diet and lifestyle.
In addition to parental choice, there’s also religious reasons why some moms and dads choose not to vaccinate, one of them being those in the Orthodox Jewish faith.
Rabbi Mendy Dubrowski from Chabad South Tampa weighed in on the topic.
“Parenting is definitely not easy, there’s no manual that comes out when the child is born,” he said with a smile.
This father of four firmly believes in vaccinating.
He says for those in the Jewish faith who choose not to vaccinate, it’s not necessarily a decision based on religion, but rather the tight-knit communities in which people live.
“Those communities, Jewish or non-Jewish, that choose not to vaccinate are not doing this because they want to put their children in danger. It’s just the opposite. They believe that this is the best for their child,” he explained.
While both parents may not agree on the issue of vaccinations, one aspect of their parenting styles is abundantly clear.
They love their children dearly, cherishing each and every moment with them.
Ultimately, they say it’s a personal choice for each family, that moms and dads need to do their research and make the best decision to ensure the health and happiness for their children.