Former Pinellas County teacher admits in court to at least 2 counts of sexual battery on minor

PALM HARBOR, Fla. (WFLA) – A former Palm Harbor University High School teacher has gone from giving instructions in the classroom to taking orders in court.

Matthew Pinder, 43, is accused of sexual battery on a minor eight years ago, when the victim was 16-years-old.

On Thursday in court, Pinder confessed to the crime.

A judge ruled he is not to have any contact with minors.

“He admitted to at least two counts of sexual battery on that particular child,” said Corporal Daniel Difrancesco, spokesperson for the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office.

“His employment history, he’s always had access to children and we don’t know whether he’d implanted himself there for criminal purposes or whether this is an isolated type incident.”

Pinder was arrested on Wednesday at Palm Harbor University High School, where he taught social studies, and charged with one count of sexual battery.

Prior to being taken to the Pinellas County Jail, Pinder resigned as employment as a teacher with the school.

Pinder was employed at the following schools:

Pinder was a Scoutmaster of a Boy Scout Troop and was the Den Leader for a Cub Scout Pack in Pinellas County. Photos on his Facebook page indicate he was involved with Troop 10 out of Dunedin.

News Channel 8 also found Pinder’s connection to a group called the “Dunedin Venture Crew.”WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON RIGHT NOW: