Zephyrhills High School student charged after making threats against school: officials

PASCO COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) – A 14-year-old Zephyrhills High School student was arrested overnight for making threats on social media toward the school, Pasco County officials said.

According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office, the student admitted to posting a photo of a weapon, which police later determined was an airsoft gun.

The student said they posted the photo to social media because they “thought it would be funny.”

The high school student was charged with written threats to kill. According to the sheriff’s office, there is no threat to the school.

Following the incident, PSO stated that they’re urging parents and guardians to speak with their students about what they post on social media and the serious consequences making threats can have.

“Once again, PSO urges parents and guardians to speak with their students about what they post on social media and the serious consequences making threats, even as a joke, can have,” the sheriff’s office said in a statement.