Pasco Schools pass campus recording ban for parents and visitors

LAND O’ LAKES, Fla. (WFLA) — A new policy for Pasco County schools means all visitors must get permission to take video or photos on campus, parents and volunteers included.

The school board voted to pass the new measure on Tuesday.

The district began considering the ban after recent uproar from parents over privacy. A family in the district took some video inside Mitchell High School and posted it to their popular YouTube channel.

Other students could be seen in the video and some parents felt it violated their kids’ right to privacy.

After Tuesday’s vote, Superintendent Kurt Browning explained schools have entered a “new era” for safety after the Parkland shooting. Social media often makes that task more difficult.

“I have plead with parents, I have plead with kids to ensure that they know what their kids are doing…on social media,” Browning said. “But here, there’s a profit motive. These parents were actually making lots of money through advertisements on this YouTube channel at the cost of the security of the kids at our schools.”

Those caught breaking the new policy risk getting kicked off campus.

Exceptions to the rule include sporting events and after-school activities.