Hudson mom hopeful parents of son’s fiance can visit from China for wedding

We have an update on an 8 On Your Side story about a Hudson mother’s efforts to bring the parents of her son’s fiance to the U.S. from China. 

“This is mind-boggling. Absolutely mind-boggling,” said Fran Romano.

She is planning a wedding for her son Adam, and his fiance, Yili Lin.

“I’ve been crying quite a bit,” said Romano.

She is frantic the bride’s parents won’t be able to attend the April 28 wedding unless the state department grants the couple visas.

They’ve been denied twice.

Florida Senator Bill Nelson said on Friday his office contacted the Consul General in Shanghai for a second time.

“Under these circumstances, these folks do not seem to be a flight risk. They’re coming for reasons of a wedding,” said Sen. Nelson.

He is hoping people at the consulate will change their minds.

“We have a cracker jack staff that are specialists that know exactly who to call and so forth,” said Sen. Nelson.

It’s not the first time this kind of situation has come up. He’s even called personally.        

“And my request has been rebuffed,” he said.

With the wedding three weeks away, the family needs an answer now.  

“Please let them in. You’re breaking so many hearts,” Romano pleaded.

When Sen. Nelson was asked the odds of success, he said: “I don’t want to handicap this.”

The Chinese parents have good reason to return after the wedding. They have parents they need to take care of back home. Everyone is waiting on an answer. 

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