Whoa! Michigan deer seen jumping over car on police dashcam

(WLNS) — This deer is ready for the NBA!

The Michigan State Police Fifth District account recently tweeted some dashcam video of an athletic deer casually jumping over a car on the road.

The deer was one of several crossing the road at the time, and luckily disaster was averted on multiple fronts. MSP used the video as an opportunity to remind people to watch out for deer this fall.

“Reminder: If deer cross your path – apply controlled braking; steer straight; don’t swerve,” MSP Fifth District said.

Avoiding deer-car crashes

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department says there are few things to do if it looks like you’re about to hit a deer.

The department says you should brake firmly but stay in your lane. Do not swerve to avoid the animal, since this could create more danger for you and other vehicles.

Be aware of when you’re most likely to encounter deer on roadways: TPWD says the highest-risk periods are from sunset to midnight and in the hours before sunrise. Drivers should remember that deer rarely travel solo — if you see one, there are likely more nearby.

As previously mentioned, fall is also a very active time for deer.

The Conversation reports the highest-risk time of autumn is once daylight saving time ends, which varies each year. This year, daylight saving time is scheduled to end Sunday, Nov. 6. It’s during this time that there are more drivers on the road in the dark, increasing odds of collisions.

It’s also important, Consumer Reports recommends, to use slower speeds overall during high-risk time periods. Additionally, it goes without saying that drivers should always wear their seatbelts.

There are over 1 million deer-vehicle crashes each year in the U.S., says the Conversation. That’s about 200 human deaths and 29,000 serious injuries.

What should you do if you see an injured deer on the road?

It depends on the deer’s condition on what you should do.

Texas Parks and Wildlife explains you should call your local game warden if the deer has only been hit or injured.

If you’re sure the deer is dead, TPWD says you can (as safely as possible) move the deer out of the roadway and alert your local department of transportation. It’s advised, however, that you avoid touching deer as much as possible.