Kids respond to brutal obit that says mother ‘will not be missed’

A brother and sister who were “abandoned” by their late mother got the final word. 

According to news reports, the siblings wrote a scathing obituary about their late mother that has gotten national attention. 

Kathleen Dehmlow, 80, died last month in Springfield, Minn. 

An obituary printed in the Redwood Falls (Minn.) Gazette and posted online revealed she had an affair with her brother-in-law before moving across the country.

“She abandoned her children, Gina and Jay, who were then raised by her parents,” the death notice reads.

The obituary goes on to say that she “will now face judgement. She will not be missed by Gina and Jay, and they understand that this world is a better place without her.”

Jay tells the Daily Mail that he and his sister had “reservations” and “knew there would be backlash but it really has helped us to finally get the last word.” 

He said they were raised by their maternal grandparents and did not even know they had two half-brothers until years later.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune newspaper reports that a relative said that though the basic facts are true, the situation was complicated and that Dehmlow “regretted” her mistake through the years. 

The obituary has reportedly been removed from the website of the newspaper that first published it. 

The Star Tribune reports controversy from the online obituary has prompted to review its standards.