‘Friendly Callers’ program creates relationships for isolated, homebound seniors

(NBC/KSL) – A program in Utah is helping create meaningful relationships for isolated senior citizens.

Known as the “Friendly Callers,” volunteers call a homebound senior at least once a week, more if they want, according to the program’s creator.

Bonnie Lewis created the program after seeing so much loneliness among homebound seniors who were sometimes going weeks without human contact.

Nancy Shelley has been matched with volunteer Dahnelle Smith.

Shelley suffers from dementia and had to give up driving which means she sits at home more.

“She was my sanity,” Shelley said. “I knew I could count on a call every day and she always seemed to call when I needed it the most. It was just nice to hear another human voice, and especially for it to be her because I trust her.”

Experts say seniors who stay socially connected have better physical and mental health.