(NEXSTAR) – If you are looking for a way to take the edge off of the final month of 2020, Costco has your back.
Reports are coming in that the popular wine advent calendar is already popping up in some warehouse stores across the country for $99.99. According to CostcoWineBlog.com, there are two options this year, both featuring 24 half bottles.
“Early indications seems very positive on both,” wrote the wine blogger.
Social media posts indicate some shoppers are already using the calendar, which really resembles a case typical cardboard case with attractive holiday-themed designs, at some stores.
A similar offering was a hot item in 2019 for Costco. FlyingBlue, the company behind the calendars, says you should see these appear in most Costco locations by the first week of October. The product is only available in Costco stores and is not available for purchase online.