BEIJING, CHINA (WFLA/CNN) — A Chinese firm is using puppies to find a cure for a blood-clotting disease to hopefully save human lives.
But, their methods are quite controversial.
According to CNN, the puppies, who are genetically identical, were designed to develop the disease Atherosclerosis. The disease is a leading cause of stroke and heartsickness.
CNN said it is likely the dogs will become sick and die at a young age, as they were cloned only for medical research.
To date, however, researchers told CNN the dogs haven’t shown any symptoms of the disorder but they are closely monitoring their health.
Reportedly, drugs to treat cardiovascular diseases are already being tested on the healthy animals.
Scientists said that dogs have almost as many inheritable diseases as humans, making them the best disease model to study, CNN reports.>> MORE FROM LILA’S DIGITAL DOWNLOAD