CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – What would you do if you only had 90 days to live?
For Lambeau the dog, he’s living each day like it’s his last.
Lambeau is Chris Amico’s 7-year-old Rottweiler mix and 90 days ago he was diagnosed with Sarcoma.
The cancer is causing the fun-loving dog to slow down and it hasn’t been easy on Chris.
“We all have best friends, but your dog only has one,” said Amico.
The two, now best friends, met one day while Chris was cleaning his house.
”Lambeau actually found me,” said Amico. “I had everything open I was cleaning and I look over to see a 90 lbs dog sitting in my doorway just staring at me.”
The meeting was a new beginning for the dog whose original owners couldn’t keep him. Lambeau was also a welcome addition to Chris, who was living alone at the time.
“I can enjoy his company wherever I go,” said Amico.”But it’s going to be tough when I can walk outside and not have Lambeau next to me.”
Despite the cancer, Lambeau is still living each day like it’s his last and so far, he’s lived longer than expected.
“Normally they say that dogs diagnosed with Sarcoma are usually dead by this time,” said Amico. “I’m still in the ‘I don’t believe he’s going to die’ phase, because I’ve had him for so long.”
Amico was determined to make sure Lambeau lived out his final days doing the things he loves. So he came up with a bucket list for his sidekick.
“After he was diagnosed, I wasn’t going to let him sit at home all day and let him wither away, that just kind of seemed depressing to me, so I just built the bucket list on him maximizing his last 90 days.,” said Amico. “I’m trying to get him a sidecar for the side of my motorcycle, I’m not sure they have them this big.”
Trips to the lake, special meals and sometimes just a day sitting out on the porch doing nothing, these are just a few of Lambeau’s favorite things to do.
“I cook him breakfast every morning, he gets two eggs with his food,” said Amico.
The main thing Amico is making sure his best friend lives out his last days doing the things he loved.
“He’ll live his life to the fullest up until the day we send him up,” said Chris.
Amico plans to have a party for Lambeau soon with all his dog friends, On the menu: Hamburgers, hot dogs and other foods Lambeau loves.