Dr. Tracy Fanara, also known as Inspector Planet, released her first rap song called “Polar Ice Baby” this week. The idea is to bring awareness to climate change.

On her Facebook page she says, “With the climate change report in November and now the IPCC report, our impacts on climate change and the need for action are clear. We must unite worldwide. This is one way to get the word out!”

Dr. Fanara incorporates her background in science with lyrics like, “We all play a role, but the planet will pay. Climate is a problem. Yo, let’s solve it. Check out the sample with the centrifuge revolves it. Ice Ice Baby. Polar Ice Ice Baby.”

Dr. Fanara has undergraduate, master’s and doctorate degrees from the University of Florida. She can be seen in the video rapping while wearing a Gators hat.

The video also includes a cameo from Jim Cantore from the Weather Channel.


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