DELAWARE COUNTY, Ohio (WCMH) — The Delaware County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the allegations that a handful of Olentangy Hyatts Middle School students served a handful of teachers food tainted with urine and a bodily fluid. 

The sheriff’s office says the allegations potentially carry felonious assault charges for those involved. 

Investigators say last Thursday, students in the home economics class Global Gourmet were preparing crepes to serve some of their teachers but one of the students allegedly tainted the food with urine and a bodily fluid before feeding it to the teachers. 

14-year-old Mason Lambert knows what he thinks of this alleged school prank. 

“I just think it’s kind of gross. I don’t even know why anybody would do that,” said Lambert. 

Lambert says today at school the Principal held an assembly to explain what happened and why those involved made horrible decisions. 

“The teachers are all taking it very seriously. There’s no joking around with it,” he says. 

And the Delaware County Sheriff’s office has launched an investigation with assistance from the BCI. 

A thorough investigation into the incident some see as humorous. 

“Some people said it was kind of funny,” he said. 

But the school district isn’t saying much, opting to instead email a written statement to NBC4 reading, “The safety and security of our students and staff is of utmost importance. District leadership and local law enforcement are conducting a thorough investigation into this incident, and anyone found in violation of school policies will be held accountable for their actions. We are also focusing our efforts to support the teachers impacted by this incident.”

The BCI is conducting DNA testing on the uneaten food that remained. 

No names have been released and no charges have been filed.