At 14-years-old, Angel Barriera has spent much of her life in hospitals.

For years, she was on dialysis. She’s undergone a kidney transplant, spinal fusion and deals with heart issues. 

Now, she’s been out of the hospital for nearly three months, which means she is going to Hollywood.

“I feel really good,” said Angel. “We are going to walk the stars, take a bunch of pictures. We’re doing a tour on a trolly at night time which I’m really excited for.”

She leaves Monday with her mother on the all-expense paid, six day trip.

This is the brain child of Angela Small.

She created the local program “A Second Wish by Demetrius,” named after her nephew who died from cancer.

“The first year, in 2015 we did one wish. Last year, we did 10 wishes,” she said.

The program continues to grow. Twenty kids are on the list now.

For many programs, children are only eligible for one wish.

Small created “A Second Wish by Demetrius” for chronically or terminally ill children who have already had one wish granted, but may have been too young to remember.

That’s the case with Angel, who was just 3-years-old when she got her first wish. 

“I think the second wish is a chance to make someone feel like they are special again,” said Angel. 

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