LAKELAND, Fla. (WFLA) — A Lakeland man pleaded guilty to animal cruelty police said involved starving his pit bulls so terribly it provoked cannibalism within the dogs’ cage.

Lakeland police officers were called to Genar Smith’s home after a neighbor saw a dog in a cage being eaten by two other dogs. The officers said they found six pit bulls total locked in the cage.

The State Attorney’s Office said there was no food or water in the dogs’ bowls and the dogs’ ribs and hip bones were visible under their skin.

A Polk County animal control officer determined the hunger provoked the case of cannibalism inside the cage.

Smith was forced to surrender his dogs to Animal Control.

Without a plea offer from the State Attorney’s Office, Smith decided to forgo a trial and plead guilty to Circuit Judge Keith Spoto.

Spoto sentenced Smith to 180 days in jail followed by 42 months of probation. He is no longer allowed to own any animals.