Spring Hill student arrested after burning American flag in another student’s truck, deputies say

HERNANDO COUNTY, Fla. (WFLA) — A Springstead High School student was charged with arson Tuesday after allegedly setting fire to another student’s American flag, Hernando County deputies said.

The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office said one of its school resource deputies was called to the student parking lot Monday after several students noticed a burning American flag inside a student’s truck.

One of the students jumped into the truck and put out the fire himself. According to deputies, the fire damaged the flag and some other debris that was in the bed of the truck.

Witnesses told deputies another student was seen running away from the scene after lighting the flag on fire. The student was arrested Tuesday after law enforcement identified the suspect.

However, their work wasn’t done as the sheriff’s office stepped in to help replace the burned flag, which belonged to senior Curtis Chancey.

On Wednesday, the SRO Unit gave Chancey a replacement flag to place in the bed of his truck, much to his appreciation.