WATCH: Duke Energy implodes power houses at Crystal River plant

CRYSTAL RIVER, Fla. (WFLA) — Duke Energy said goodbye to one of its plants with a bang Saturday morning.

At 8 a.m., the company used over 500 explosives to bring down two of its power houses at the Crystal River coal plant, which was built in the 1960s. For over 50 years, the plant generated 915 megawatts of energy for 1.8 million people.

However, in 2018, Duke Energy retired the plan following the opening of the Citrus Combined Cycle Station, which harnesses energy from natural gas. This is part of a campaign to replace coal plants with cleaner alternatives.

The metal and concrete from the 200-foot-tall by 125-foot-wide power houses will be recycled.

The remaining two 500-foot-tall stacks will be imploded at a later date.