TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Friday morning from 7 a.m. until 11 a.m., folks can drive up to St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital and drop off toys.

The hospital is hosting its “Chrsitmas in July” community event. People can drop off toys in the circular drive located in front of the hospital, which is located at 3001 W. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in Tampa.

You can also make a donation online at StJosephsChristmas.org.

When a cancer diagnosis, traumatic injury or serious medical condition replaces a child’s carefree days with chemotherapy treatments, needle pricks, surgeries, and far too much time spent away from home, it can be a lot to deal with. Donations made during Christmas in July help the hospital provide patients with some added comfort and special attention that’s s just as important to their healing as the care they receive at the hospital.

You can also make a difference by:

  • Becoming a corporate or individual sponsor online at StJosephsChristmas.org. Monetary donations can be made in any denomination and are greatly appreciated.
  • Joining the Christmas in July Challenge and inviting your community to get involved. Create your own fundraising page, fundraising event or join an existing team and challenge your colleagues, church groups, family, social media groups and friends to meet a goal. For more info, visit StJosephsChristmas.org.
  • Becoming a community partner and getting your customers involved in Christmas in July through a donation of percentage of sales, register campaigns and spirit nights.