A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Zella Jackson-Price, she’s the gospel singer who was reunited with her daughter 49 years after being told that her baby died.
Now more women are coming forward with similar suspicions and heartbreaking stories looking for answers about what happened years ago at a now closed St. Louis hospital that is suspected of stealing babies shortly after they were born.
“You trust the hospitals, you trust the doctors, you trust the nurses and then you come to find out these kinds of episodes could possibly happen, and you know that you’re a victim, no I don’t like it,” said Maria Ramza-Gay.
None of these women who gathered at a Clayton Law office like the idea that a brother or a sister, a son or a daughter may have been illegally taken away at Homer G. Phillips hospital
“There wasn’t no death certificates,” said one person who showed up to share her story.
“We never saw a body, we never had a funeral,” said another mother.
“I didn’t know enough to ask questions, said Brenda Stewart, who believes her daughter is still alive.
“Why? Because I was 16 years old? Because I was a teenager, you had the right to take my baby?”
Brenda Stewart says she heard her daughter cry and briefly saw the baby move before being told the child died.
“It’ll be 51 years, the 21st of next month, I’ve been waiting to know about my baby and I just do not believe she’s dead,” she said.
None of the women have proof, but they have suspicions and they have hope because of Zella Jackson-Price’s reunion with her daughter
Price and her attorney Al Watkins filed a lawsuit on Monday. It’s a petition to open all sealed court files and adoption records pertaining to prices’s daughter Melanie Diane Gilmore.
Leatrice Barry is inspired to learn what happened to her daughter.
“If she’s alive, that’s going to hurt because I would have missed 53 years of her life or however long this takes,” said Barry.
“So many have the same story, if so many have the same story, it’s not an isolated case,” said Zella Jackson-Price.
The Department of Justice is investigating the baby controversy.