TAMPA, Fla (WFLA) – Tampa Police Officers didn’t have to go far to investigate a burglary on Friday morning. It happened at their own impound lot.
Investigators say on Friday shortly after 2 a.m., 18-year old Dequavis Curry and a 14-year-old and 15-year-old went to the lot and used burglary tools to cut through the fence.
“They spent some time cutting a nice little hole in the fence. It’s a pretty tall fence with barbed wire on the top so it should be pretty secure,” said Steve Hegarty, a department spokesman. “But, if you’re determined and you have the right burglary tools I guess they were able to get in.”
The department released surveillance video from the lot Friday afternoon. It captures the teens making their way through the fence and rummaging through the lot. Once they realize they’ve been spotted, they run out the same hole in the fence they created.
Officers yelled at the 14-year-old to stop, but they say he didn’t listen, so they released K-9 Officer Poncho. Poncho bit the teen on the leg. He was treated at a local hospital before officers took him to the juvenile assessment center.
Officers captured the other two teens at the McKay Bay Recycling Plant.
All three are now facing the following charges: Possession of Burglary Tools, Criminal Mischief, Trespassing on Property Other Than a Structure, Resisting an Officer Without Violence, Breaking or Injuring Fences, two counts of Burglary of an Occupied Structure.
Hegarty believes the three young men should use this experience as a teachable moment.
“There are three lessons here. Don’t be a burglar. Number two if you’re going to do something like that it’s a really bad idea to be at a police impound lot,” Hegarty said. “I guess we could add that once we announce that we are sending the K-9 it’s time to give up. “