Each week, Traffic Reporter Meredyth Censullo responds to your commute complaints in a Road Rant report. Several viewers have concerns about Valrico Road in Hillsborough County. 

Valrico Road just north of Lithia-Pinecrest must be a candidate for worst of Hillsborough County.  Pothole patches on top of patches. Bent a rim! My neighbor’s bent two! – Joe

Valrico Road in Brandon is one of the worst roads to drive on. They keep patching pot holes and they open back up in a matter of weeks. Pretty dangerous at night when you can’t see them coming. – Ryan

Valrico Road is on the Hillsborough County Public Work’s Road Resurfacing and Reconstruction 2018 priority list. The Road Resurfacing and Reconstruction Program is based on the Army Corps of Engineers’ Pavement Management System, which evaluates every road in the county once every three years, and ranks the condition of its pavement. Staff then produces a list of needed resurfacing projects, matches the list with the budget for the given year, and determines which roads will be repaired. 

According to Public Works, design plans are being finalized to resurface Valrico Road in two sections, between Lithia-Pinecrest Road and State Road 60, and between State Road 60 and Wheeler Road, with work estimated to get underway in January or February. The road is scheduled for full depth reclamation, a process that will rebuild the road base and add new paving.

The county anticipates awarding the contract at a Hillsborough County-Board of County Commissioners meeting in October and authorizing notice to proceed by December. 

The public works department has not determined if both projects will be worked on at the same time, however there’s no anticipated time gap between them. Each project will take 60 to 90 days, and will also include the replacement of broken concrete curbs, new striping and road markings, and the evaluation of sidewalks for future replacement.

You can see Hillsborough County’s priority list for resurfacing projects at this link.

Send your Road Rant questions to Meredyth Censullo at mcensullo@wfla.com, or on Facebook or Twitter.

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