TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA)- An Ybor City woman will sleep a little better after Tampa police caught a man, they say, peered into her windows several times over the past two weeks.

Security system video from the victim, named Summer, shows who police identify as Danzel Crumbley, sneaking around her yard.

On this night, Crumbley is seen using a cinder block to prop himself up so he can get a better look. 

“I think that he saw me in my bedroom and saw something he liked and just kept coming back,” said Summer, who asked we not share her last name.

Summer posted videos of the guy on her Twitter page, attracting more than a million views. 

“It was scaring me that they were saying that he was probably hitting other houses, so I wanted to make sure people in my area were aware of him” said Summer.

On Monday night, as Tampa police staked out the neighborhood near 8th Avenue East, they spotted Crumbley hiding behind a tree, holding onto a fence in Summer’s yard.

She wonders how long this has gone on.

“A lot of times, I’m alone and I didn’t even know for a whole week, so I don’t even know what I was doing when he was watching me,” said Summer.

The entire ordeal gives her the creeps. “Last Saturday, I had gotten home, and I started changing. He was there when I was there and I didn’t even see him” said Summer.

Summer described scenes on videos of Crumbley trying to get into her house, and attempting to open her car door.

His distinctive tattoos matched videos from similar prowling calls, helping cops nail him for these cases.

A TPD Spokesman said Crumbley has a separate warrant out for a charge of loitering and prowling, among other crimes.

The spokesman said Crumbley confessed to the crimes.